NOTE: I DO NOT indorse ANY of the products advertised above and I am opposed to pop-up and banner advertising on personal web pages.
You have arrived at Xyzzz's AO.  AO is an acronym for Area of Operations.  This is a term I borrowed from Viet Nam.  It can mean a number of different things:  An area designated for combat operations, your assigned work area, or even the living space assigned to you in the barracks.  Some of you vets will remember this term from your days in the Nam.  I am opening this page on Memorial Day 1998.  This is dedicated to all of those men and women who served in Viet Nam and to the memory of my good friend and mentor 1SG Walter M. Cox, US Army, Retired.

I did my year in Viet Nam in 1971-72.  That's probably ancient history for some of you.  But if you're interested I've set up a web site with pictures I took while over there. Just click on this link for the military pictures Military link.  There are some nice shots of the people, towns and country side at this link.Civilian link.   I didn't have much time to take pictures of  the combat as we were working during those times.  But the pictures I do have are worth a look as it really is a very pretty country.  Before you leave this page though you might want to read all of it.

That's me, real ego trip huh? 
Its nice to have your own personal web page, you can make yourself the center of attraction and spend all your time talking about your favorite subject and the one you know the best, yourself.  I've set up another web page with some pictures of myself, family and friends over the last few years.  Check it out if you have the time but don't miss the rest of my web site. Click on the My Pics link.

This is me and Pickles. 
Actually her name is Toddy's Sweet Pickles.  Pickles is an AKC Registered English Bulldog and despite her looks she truly is a little sweetheart. This picture isn't of very good quality.  For more of Pickles click on the Pickles link.  It's hard to tell but that is an electric wheelchair I'm sitting in.  Medically, I am classified as a quadriplegic.  But, I have some limited use of my arms, although my hands don't work to good.  But, Pickles doesn't mind at all and we get through life together just fine.

You say what is a CWADS?
Well it is a military base in virtual reality that I created.  It's in 3D and you can go there.  You can walk around inside, go inside the buildings and rooms, and if I happen to be there when you visit we can talk.  If not there is a Guest Book which you can sign and leave me your comments.  Sound interesting?  If you've never been to Activeworlds you're in for a unique experience.  If you'd like to know more click on the CWADS link.


II'm also a member of SETI and one of more than 2.5 million people world wide who participate in the search for ET. I have donated more than 30,000 hours of my computer time to this effort.  If you would like to join us click on the link above.

That's it for now, but check back soon for more on the adventures of Xyzzz and Sweet Pickles.

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at:

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Updated July 17, 2004